Common Names:- Dittander
Homotypic Synonyms:- Cardaria latifolia, Crucifera latifolia,
Lepidium latifolium subsp. eulatifolium, Nasturtiastrum latifolium,
Nasturtium latifolium.
Meaning:- Lepidium. Meaning unknown.
Latifolium (L) With broad leaves.
General description:- Perennial with a creeping rhizome.
1) 50-130 cm, erect, glabrous, much-branched above.
1) Coriaceous.
2) Basal and lower cauline up to 30 cm, long-petiolate, ovate, toothed or sometimes
pinnatilobed, glabrous or sparsely hairy.
3) Upper, sessile, ovate to lanceolate, entire.
1) In a large, dense, pyramidal panicle.
2) Sepals, 0·9-1·5 mm, broadly white-margined.
3) Petals, 1·8-2·5 mm, up to twice as long as the sepals, with a rounded-obovate
4) Pedicels, 4-5 mm in fruit.
5) Style, c. 0·2 mm, with a capitate stigma.
6) Stamens 6.
1) Silicula, 1·5-2·5 x c. 2 mm, elliptical to orbicular, not winged or notched.
Key features:-
1) Stem, glabrous.
2) Ripe silicula, smooth or faintly reticulate.
Habitat:- Coastal meadows and marshes, banks of watercourses, ruderal habitats.
0-600 m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece. - Scattered and fairly rare, but perhaps under
recorded. - Widespread i Europe, SW Asia and N Africa. Very rare on Crete
currently known from only one location near Kalyves in the NW..
Flowering time:- May-July, occasionally later.
Photos by:- Courtesy of Wiki-Commons & Ori Fragman-Sapir Flora of Israel